Aaron Gonzalez

Q: Where are you from?
I grew up in Chico, a small city in Northern California. Since Chico is on the edge of the central valley and summers get very hot, my friends and I would spend a lot of time in water when I was younger -- there are plenty of swimming holes around Chico. In general, Chico is a great place to be if you love doing things outside.
Q: Where did you go to school?
I attended and just recently graduated from the University of California, Berkeley where I studied architecture as an undergraduate. I loved my experience at Berkeley! It was challenging, but I really came to appreciate the challenge because it pushed me to explore the limits of my intellect and ethos. As an institution, UC Berkeley takes particular care in teaching its students how to think deeply, and I feel this contributed to my gaining a greater understanding of who I am and can become. Furthermore, as a historically diverse university, Cal exposed me to many new perspectives, helping me to more meaningfully connect with ALL those around me.
Q: Tell me about your family.
My immediate family is comprised of my three siblings (a younger sister and two older brothers) and my mother and father. Since my little sister and I were the closest in age, we spent a ton of time together as kids. She’s always been and will be one of my closest friends – I have many memories of her and I playing in the pool during the summer. My two brothers are a bit older than my sister and I, so it hasn’t been until more recently that I’ve grown close to them. It’s fulfilling coming to know them more deeply now that we’re adults, and I’ve grown to love and understand them in ways I simply couldn’t as a child. I’m very fortunate to have had two parents who were so willing to dedicate so much energy to helping me pursue my ambitions, so I’d like to make space here to thank them for the extensive support they’ve offered me. Finally, I can’t talk about family without talking about my partner Alyee who has created the space to let me be who I am, no matter what. There aren’t words enough to describe how important she is to everything I am today.
Q: What is the most interesting aspect of architecture to you?
I think the most interesting aspect of architecture is its relationship to the land upon which it’s built. The landscape and its environment directly influence a building’s design and construction, and this relationship is super exciting to me. I have a great interest in exploring the ways in which the formal qualities, the histories, and the environmental factors of landscapes shape living and working environments.
Q: What is the last show you binge watched?
I’m not much of a show watcher, but one show that never gets old is Jane the Virgin. It’s completely dramatic, but totally endearing.
Q: What are the top three things on your bucket list?
One of the first things that’s always on my bucket list is to go to Spain and watch a Real Madrid match. I’ve been a huge fan of the soccer club since I started playing competitive soccer as a kid, so I definitely want to go and see them play at their home stadium at least once in my life. Another bucket list item of mine is to go on a backpacking trip in Switzerland. It’s become a tradition that my friends and I go backpacking every summer and I hope to be able to do this in the Swiss Alps someday. Finally, it’s a dream of mine to design my own home. As someone who recharges best in my own space, away from the rest of the world, my home is the most important space in my life. It’s on my bucket list to design a beautiful space for my family and me to be all that we are.
Q: Favorite SF hidden gem?
Box Kitchen in SOMA has the best burger I’ve ever had!
Q: What are five features you would include in your dream home?
Whenever I think of my dream home I always think of a naturally well-lit space, so two of the five features I’d include would be a part of making this happen: a sunroom and plenty of skylights. In terms of materiality, it would be primarily finished with beautiful wood and custom wood craftsmanship. For example, I dream that the kitchen would have beautiful walnut casework. I’d also put a large walk-in shower that feels secluded and has its own natural lighting fenestrations. Lastly, my dream home would have a large garden where I could grow my own fruits and vegetables.
Q: Where are you most excited to travel next?
I’m most excited to travel to Kauai. One of my best friends from school grew up there and I’m really hoping to visit her this winter and spend time hiking, surfing, and, of course, eating!