Neda Fattahi

Q: Where are you from?
I grew up in Tehran, the mountainous capital city of Iran. I moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for a couple of years when I was high school and then went back to Iran for a few years before moving to Oregon!
Q: Where did you go to school?
I studied architecture at the University of Oregon in Eugene. Living in the rural town of Eugene was a big contrast to the urban lifestyle I was used to. Eugene is a perfect college town, and I grew to love it over the five years that I lived there.
Q: Tell me about your family.
I have an older brother who works in tech and lives in South Bay with his wife, my parents are business owners and live back home in Iran.
Q: What is the most interesting aspect of architecture to you?
I’m mostly fascinated by the impact of space and architecture on people’s everyday lives and how it can enable them to lead a better, happier, and healthier lifestyle. What I love about residential architecture is the opportunity to create a space and a home that is a direct reflection of a family’s values, dreams, and what they aspire to be.
Q: What kinds of projects do you most enjoy working on?
I like working on a wide variety of projects that are new and offer a lot of learning opportunities. I enjoy working with clients who are adventurous and open to new ideas!
Q: What are the top three things on your bucket list?
Complete a triathlon, successfully crash a stranger’s wedding, and climb mount Fuji!
Q: Favorite SF hidden gem?
Jack Early Park in North Beach!
Q: What are five features you would include in your dream home?
I would want a large library with floor to ceiling shelves and a reading nook, large windows and lots of natural light, a lap pool, a sun filled art studio, and a large outdoor deck!
Q: Where are you most excited to travel next?
Argentina and Japan have been on my travel list for a while, and I hope to visit them soon!